These video clips explore how the hippocampus, usually thought as the brain navigation system, also supports learning, contextual memory and the acquisition of abstract knowledge in the form of cognitive maps.
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This video discusses engrams, the fundamental units of memory in the brain. It explores what engrams are, how they can be studied and where are they stored.
This video explores the process of memory consolidation and the role played by the hippocampus, a brain region involved in learning and spatial navigation. It will discuss the phenomenon of hippocampal replay during sleep, which is essential for memory consolidation and plays and important role in planning.
This video explores the role of the hippocampus in spatial navigation and the formation of mental models of the outside world known as cognitive maps. It explains how neurons in the hippocampus represent space, how this relates to contextual memory and how they can also represent more abstract concepts.
This video discusses how cognitive maps – internal models of outside world learned by the brain — can be used to generate flexible behavior that is generalized across contexts.
This video provides an example of the type of abstract models that can be learned by the hippocampus, focusing specifically on "social maps" which can represent information about other individuals at different levels of abstraction.